Saturday 14 May 2011

The weekend.... thus far.

Well, we've had a few days now of very dark skies with not much coming out of them... until last night.  As myself and another intern and our boss were heading out for a bite last night, a torrential downpour started, and we were completely soaked through to the skin when we arrived at the local food stalls.  This is not like the spitty, misty rain inVancouver at all!  After a bite to eat, we went to a small club for a bit of dancing, since it was a send-off for the gal who's leaving on Monday.  (P.S. things I was sure I'd do in the Galapagos: see animals, take pictures, and scuba.  Things I NEVER thought I'd be doing in the Galapagos....  dancing in a thatched roof nightclub in the puddle that had come through the roof while Lady GaGa's "Poker Face" played on the stereo....)

Today, since I didn't have anything I had to do (OMG, I love being able to say that!), I went to the beach at Tortuga Bay, which is a lovely, long stretch of soft white sand scattered with black-as-night volcanic rocks.  The area is better suited for surfing, but it was lovely nonetheless to lay out on the sand and take a bit of sun, read, and enjoy a modest picnic of guava-jam sandwiches and fruit.   

(Inner thought..... debating whether or not to share the fiasco with the laundry this morning.....  oh what the hell, why not?)  So as I went to do laundry this morning, I found that since the humidity is so high here (and hence, your clothes are never really 'dry'), it's not such a fabulous idea to leave your dirty laundry tied up in a plastic bag for.... 2 weeks until you get around to washing it.  It tends to accumulate....  mold.  Yeeeeeeah, freaky, right?  So, since the washing machine only does 'agua frio', I gave my clothes a bit of a pre-wash in the sink with some hot water, and my vigourous scrubbing gave me a massive blister on my finger...!!!  Hahahah!  Now, all the time I spent in India should have prepared my for a conundrum such as this, but perhaps I'm out of practice.  (And for all of you out there right now thinking "Eeeeeew!"....  well c'mon.  I can't have you guys thinking I live in a TOTAL paradise....  re: reference to toxic 12 inch long centipede in the house). 

Also, AJ....  I have thrown in a little 'bicicleta' photo just for you....  missing you tons.

Besos y abrazos de Galapagos! 

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