Sunday 15 May 2011

Vamos a las Grietas!

Ah yes!  Have spent much time this weekend with Carla and Eduardo...  last night I taught them to play cribbage over a beer, and today (as the title would say) we went to las Grietas! We had to take a small water taxi across the Puerto Ayora harbour, and then walk this insane path of volcanic rocks for about 1km before reaching the pool.  This site is a volcanic fracture which mingle the fresh water coming into it from the land with the salt water of the ocean.  It is wonderfully clear (and 'un poco frío'!), so people come to enjoy a swim and jump from the rocks above into the deep pool.  A halocline (the odd blurriness when salt and fresh water layer over one another) was visible throughout the pool.
Besos y abrazos de Galapagos.....!
P.S.  AJ, this reminded me of Sooke!

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