Sunday 29 May 2011

Flo Flo and the lobo (s)....

So for not having any plans for the long weekend here in Ecuador, I think I've made good use of it.  Friday and Saturday I spent doing a whole lot of SFA....  (Dad, if you need help with that acronym, I'll fill you in later).  I spent Friday and Saturday at the beach, reading, lying in the sun, swimming in the ocean, and swinging in the hammock (read: converted old fishing net) outside the house....  muuuuuy tranquílo!!  But today was the icing on the relaxation cake.  I found room on a boat going to Floreana Island, and so I was off bright and early this morning!  Approaching the island in the boat was a breathtaking view of what superficially appears to be a totally uninhabited island.  Almost...  Floreana has a whopping population of.......  100 people.  They have giant tortoises there, but regrettably, not the native species.  The native Floreana tortoises were exterminated by pirates and settlers early in the 1800's, and so the tortoises living on Floreana today come from San Cristobal.  Why did they put them there....?  I have NO clue. 
On our little trip up into the highlands, we also privileged with a fantastic view of one of Floreana's extict volcanic craters.  However, today's highlight was definately swimming with sea lions near "El corona de diablo" (the devil's crown).  There is a spit of beach on Floreana where the sea lions gather, and when you enter the water, their curiosity gets the better of them, and they swim right up to your face!!  The only time a had a twinge on nervousness was when one swam up to my face, paused, and then darted even closer (as if to say...  "Psych!!!!")!  Haha!

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